Fellow Conservative Leaders

Saturday, April 6, 2013

#1 - Obama, The Great Pretender

Obama's second term is confirming and highlighting the fact that this president is rather clueless about how to get things accomplished in Washington D.C. This president prefers to whip out the Executive Pen or make dramatic emotional-based speeches while using children as theatrical props instead of making a true attempt to work with Congress.

Presidents are supposed to set the standard, to rise above politics and honor our country's hard-earned freedom. Really, they are supposed to do such things.

Maybe Obama doesn't know how to behave presidential, so he does the next best thing...put on a shoddy act. I suppose all the theatrics is great practice for Obama to work on earning his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

More embarrassing for Obama has been the years and years of blaming Republicans. The plausibility of all of Obama's political woes being heaped upon the Republicans has lessened with each passing day that Obama holds the highest office in the land.

All of Obama's presidential complaining has stacked to form one big whiny blur of ineffectiveness. However, a shining side to our president's insistence that those powerful, mean, politically-line-backing Republicans don't let him do his really hard "transparent" job is that his never-ending excuses have become laughable.

At least Obama is providing some of America's top comedians with fantastic material. The comedians keep us laughing while Obama strives to keep us in tears.

It would seem that running a country is not exactly Obama's strong point. I think he should have remained a worker on a small-scale, on a community level instead of being a shot-to-the-top leader who is wasting White House space.

Since he can't very well pretend to be a great president, he finds it easier to pretend to be a star or to pretend to be a great athlete. He receives great coaching for all possible directions, but I think he would really love to play himself in the movie version of...

"America...Who Hurt it Worse...Obama or Usama?"

He's a great pretender, that is for sure.

In Obama-land, our president would rather birth his grand plans through orchestrated efforts predictable of a person with socialist tendencies instead of trying his best to work with the system, which means, Congress, as a whole.

Work WITH Congress? What a bummer for Obama! Wasn't this presidency about looking fantastic for those photo ops and to make up for his failures as a slick lawyer?

Didn't he imagine Congress to be in the group picture and after the camera bulb flashes, all the members walk up to slap Obama on the back and hand him a cigar as banners with Obama's face roll down each wall to commemorate the special moment. Wasn't that the Obama dream plan of how his presidency should have played out in the public?

Wasn't this president expecting his grand ideas to make him wildly popular as many of America's media-outlets spoon-fed cock-eyed reports of their "White House" buddy to the wide-eyed, mouth-agape viewing audience waiting to hear about Obama's next big promise to lessen that fading concept of personal accountability?

Weren't masses of people supposed to be falling over themselves to give thanks and screams of adoration to this president for saving their homes, their jobs, their health, their lives and their dog too?

Thankfully, in spite of Obama's best shot at lessening individual power by increasing personal dependency, in spite of his efforts to reduce state's rights, and in spite of every step he takes to over-run our country with mounting burdensome government interference...he is confronted with the fact that our country is still held together at strained seams by those who believe in our country's independence.

Way back during King George's attempt at subduing our budding country with his out-of-control taxation efforts, there were some people in our country who wanted to go along with OLD KING GEORGE, and these people were referred to as "Loyalists."

Of course, we know how this works out. Loyalists were more interested in compromising their freedom just to get that tea. Others were willing to pay a steep price to assert their independence from the King's rule.

Fortunately, for us, the "other" people of this great land would not let the Loyalists submit to the Mother Land, so we found ourselves in an American Revolution.

These days, New Age Loyalists are willing to blindly follow a president who behaves more like a "king" than a fellow citizen of this great nation. These New Age Loyalists seem to be willing to sacrifice freedoms already won by the blood, sweat, tears and hardships of our ancestors.

How can we agree to increasing government control, thereby creating the very entity that our ancestors fought to escape? How can we let the reason our country was founded be forgotten? Have we enjoyed the benefits of freedom so long that we have generations who cannot fathom a life chained to the government's whims?

I hope that these New Age Loyalists will soon discover what it means to be duped into believing that all that tea from the king comes at an extremely high price. Conservatives cannot fathom the stupidity that comes with the Far-Left being overly-willing to sell their soul for political promises that are Fairy Tale outlandish. Conservatives understand the reality of the hidden small print that is trying to hide the real price tag.

Conservatives understand the basis concept of, "You don't get anything for free." For those who believe they will be getting something for free...they need a wake-up call because the person footing that bill will soon come calling for payment or they will refuse to keep making the hand-out so easy to reach.

Let's not let Obama and the likes of him revert our country back into a clone of the Mother Land, a socialist oppressive existence from which people ache to flee.

Let's dump the tea overboard and dance in the streets with joyful freedom as Obama continues his game of pretend-presidency!

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