Fellow Conservative Leaders

Saturday, May 4, 2013

# 3 - Net Zero Dream-Land

ABC World News aired a "report" on May 2, 2013 by Jim Avila. The news report, partially filmed from Mexico City, Mexico had the intent of showing viewers the vacated towns of Northern Mexico. The bulk of residents in this area have chained up their homes and left for work, mostly in California, as illegals.

Then, Mr. Avila moves forward in his "report" to contradict his own efforts to show the chained doors of upper-crust Mexican residents who have left their town streets bare so they can illegally work in the U.S.A.

The next shot during the news report is of a woman in Northern Mexico.

Mr. Avila interviews this young woman who eagerly admits that she has decided to come back to Mexico instead of continuing to live illegally in America. Why did she come back to Mexico? She stated that Mexico has a better economic situation than the U.S.A.; she can live with more rights...as a citizen of Mexico; she won't have to live in fear of deportation while in the U.S.A. illegally; and she's back in Mexico because America has less opportunities these days and that means there is no incentive to be a wonderful illegal immigrant in the U.S.A.

Wow. The Mexicans are fleeing BACK to Mexico.

The point this reporter was trying to make was that the migration levels are now at "net zero" with 1.4 million Mexicans illegally entering the U.S.A. and 1.4 going back into their rightful country, right back where they BELONG.

Yet, I found it disturbing when this so-called reporter posed this question, "All of this begging the question for advocates for immigration reform of whether or not too much money is being spent on border security. Some 12 billion dollars a year. This is exactly the same time people...say more money should be spent (on border control efforts)."


Mr. Avila ends the report with his question which seems to suggest there is no reason to spend a dime extra on immigration efforts because the Mexicans are going back to their country at the same rate they are coming into ours. However, Mr. Avila seems to ignore one simple fact. No matter how many are going back into Mexico, the numbers still state that 1.4 MILLION Mexicans are still coming ILLEGALLY into this country.

Being from Texas and being privy to having direct information regarding criminal activity in the Greater Houston area as it relates to illegal immigrants, I cannot believe this reporter suggested that the Net Zero stats somehow completely negate the fact that illegal immigrants that are still pouring into our country, many with criminal intentions and questionable backgrounds.

It's obviously not important for Mr. Avila to advocate for more border security, but my city, which is part of the Greater Houston metropolitan area is not as fortunate, we must advocate border protection. Illegal immigration and the crimes associated with illegals is a serious concern for our city. Does Mr. Avila realize that these illegal immigrants obtain illegal identification and this makes it easier for the illegal to commit crimes and not be prosecuted? Once they are arrested, and put back on the streets while awaiting trial, these illegals easily disappear by simply starting over with a new set of identification cards.

The over-worked system soon realizes the accused was an illegal immigrant, or rather, I should say, an undocumented person carrying illegal documentation; therefore, the case and the VICTIM can never find justice because an elusive immigrant with changing identity is the perpetrator.

The Net Zero point is moot to the argument about protecting our borders. Just because Mexicans who are in this country illegally are now realizing that the economy in the U.S.A. is so poor that their incentive for staying is less likely, this does not mean that the constant influx of illegals is suddenly non-problematic.

Was Mr. Avila trying to say that no one should be trying to increase spending for border security because the Net Zero status essentially indicates a revolving door of migration? Is this supposed to be acceptable?

These illegals might be making decisions to return to their own country, but that does not erase the staggering numbers of illegals who are entering this country every day. What will it take for this government or for the elite media who are clearly more sheltered from the problems that come from living in an area heavily populated by illegals to realize that our country is a land of the free, but it should not be a land of illegal free-loaders who are partially supported by funds paid by law-abiding, tax-paying, legal citizens of this country?

Perhaps Mr. Avila won't mind if a truck-load of illegals pull up to his house and hook up to his electricity, siphons gas out of his cars and steals a few expensive things from his garage because this  is happening to the legal citizens of this country, especially border states who carry a massive burden of cost that comes with illegal citizens --- they make money off the economy, but the illegals do not pay their taxes. That's a big problem.

The citizens of the U.S.A. are watching their tax-dollars go toward supporting people who do not abide by proper immigration laws. Even more sad is that the mentality of this White House administration seeks to re-write the meaning of "freedom" in this country to include anyone who wants to step foot into it, even if those steps are taken illegally. I suppose that's because the illegals, with their illegal documentation are able to vote, illegally.

This administration along with blind, one-sided media outlets do not confront the entire story of illegals because they are afraid it will make them seem "intolerant." Those of us in border states cannot afford to be "tolerant" toward illegal entrance into our nation by those jumping fences, racing through a person's private property, or catching a ride in the back of a truck because that illegal individual may be desperate and you might become their next victim. Perhaps you will eventually feel the sting of an illegal's operations after they assume one of your dead family member's identity. What part of illegal immigration does this administration believe needs to be ignored due to the Net Zero status?

I remind Mr. Avila, 1.4 million illegals are still entering the country every year from Mexico.

Mr. Avila doesn't want to confront the victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Perhaps those people should be a part of his so-called reporting of Net Zero migration numbers. Mr. Avila probably doesn't care if the illegal commits a crime, gets caught, gets released, then goes out and ditches his former alias and obtains new identification to continue onward with his crimes to negatively impact law-abiding citizens of our country. Many of the crimes cannot be prosecuted because the illegal can't be found to pursue the case.

And Obama allowed the release of untold numbers of illegal citizens back onto our streets because of his incompetent ability to budget this nation ever since his first term in office. For all the American citizens who were victims of those illegal immigrants released, I feel for them and can only say that it is better to keep a weapon on you for self-defense because our own government will not handle illegal immigrants in a manner that would keep Americans safer. When our government fails us, we must know how to protect ourselves. Since I do not see this administration as becoming any wiser, in any area, I believe we border state residents must be diligent to prevent crime by illegal immigrants, the best we can.

I would love to volunteer Mr. Avila's backyard as the pass-through for those 1.4 million illegals who are crossing into the U.S.A. Let's see, if, after one year of his backyard being open as a lay-over for these 1.4 million illegals, how he would feel about his so-called Net Zero report. After all, since we're at Net Zero, doesn't that mean the 1.4 million incoming illegals passing through his backyard won't really be an issue? Wouldn't that kind of make them invisible?

Gee, I have to appreciate the stupidity of some of these reporters. I guess if we were talking about currency, the Net Zero story would be a bit different, but we're talking about PEOPLE and they leave a trail. And I sure wish that trail would be across Mr. Avila's path so he would have a wake-up call. Well, I doubt Mr. Avila will ever wake up, he's in Net Zero dream-land.

I have a suggestion, why doesn't Mr. Avila just endorse the legal way to immigrate into the U.S.A. so that a Mexican person with a problematic background won't be illegally walking among us tomorrow.

Try going to the website https://www.usimmigrationsupport.org/immigrate.html which gives details regarding the immigration process. Many illegal immigrants avoid red tape required for any American citizen to enjoy our freedoms. I don't like doing my taxes every year, but it's required. Since, especially here in Texas, our low-income housing is flooded by illegal citizens, I think we should continue the fight to increase border security. Instead of paying that Coyote to transfer them into our country, let's hope more potential illegal immigrants will decide to go the proper route. Of course, reporters like Mr. Avila like to walk around talking about Net Zero, as if it means we no longer have an issue with illegal immigrants.

Mr. Avila, you aren't the brightest reporter on the block:  Are you? And ABC World News, the fancy "Net Zero" report does not erase the problems border states encounter as more illegals keep coming into their states to over-burden their state-system. Good job ABC World News for not understanding local level challenges that your "Net Zero" speech forgets to take into account. You are out of touch with the real people of the states that count with this issue...border states, so go back home Mr. Avila and let us deal with the realities of illegal immigration.

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